Baileys Adventures

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…-Proverbs 17:22

Tuesday Evening Letdown June 22, 2010

Filed under: Infertility,TTC — andreabaileys @ 8:11 pm

And just like that, my unexpected two week wait is over. I’m okay, really. I hadn’t even had a chance to do much more than register the fact that I had ovulated, much less that I could be pregnant. I just thank God for that much. Maybe this will be all it takes to get my body back on track and doing what it’s supposed to do.
Meanwhile, the keyboard for my tablet came in today. God willing, Brian will get it installed and find the power supply tonight. Then I can entertain you with the story of how a tiny bug bit me, leading to an emergency trip to my doctor and my first antibiotic in five years. For which I practically begged, friends. There’s even a picture, though it doesn’t do the horror justice. Until then, have a great Tuesday night.


2 Responses to “Tuesday Evening Letdown”

  1. Sarah Says:

    Oh Andrea – I wish I could just RUN up to your house and give you LOTS of hugs! Gonna praise the Lord for the good things from this cycle.

  2. Arinne Says:

    Please, pretty please tell us worryworts that this tiny bug was not a tick 😦 Feel better soon!!! And I’m so excited for your new technology…for both you and us, your readership! Looking forward to more photos!

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